How To Make Decaf Cold Brew (and Why You Should!)
We’re several years into the Cold Brew takeover at this point. Regular iced coffee has been muscled out by its smoother, lower-acid cousin Cold Brew. But even though you can get caffeinated cold brew everywhere, Decaf Cold Brew remains hard to find.
While many coffee shops have hot decaf coffee available, that doesn’t cut it when the weather’s hot (or anytime you need your Decaf Cold Brew fix!) Dunkin remains the only national chain that offers a decaf iced option. Even Starbucks, which offers decaf espresso drinks, doesn’t have a Decaf Cold Brew. Where are we to get a tasty cold brew without getting the caffeine jitters?
The answer to this is simple: make it at home! If you’re already making caffeinated cold brew at home, you know how simple the process is. The great news is that it’s just as simple to make Decaf Cold Brew!
All you need to make delicious Decaf Cold Brew is:
- Decaf coffee beans
- A large container
- Something to strain the coffee through (this can be a mesh sieve, a cheesecloth, or even your coffeemaker’s filter.)

Step 1: The Beans
Choose your beans based on what you like to drink! If you prefer a lighter, fruitier roast, use that. Or if you like a rich French blend, go right ahead. One great thing about using decaffeinated beans is that you don’t need to worry about the caffeine content of different roasts. Do you enjoy light-roast coffees, but don’t like all the caffeine they pack? Not a problem here!
For the best results, use coarse ground coffee. If you have a coffee grinder at home, grind the beans on the coarsest setting. You can do the same if you’re grinding them in the store. If you’re buying beans from a coffee shop, ask the barista to blend them on the coarsest setting.
Step 2: The Ratio
Here, we’re using a 1:8 ratio of coffee to water. This makes coffee that’s ready to drink as-is. If you want to make Cold Brew Concentrate, we’ve got you covered here.
To make your cold brew, all you need to do is mix the ground coffee with water in a large container, and let it sit. Using a 1:8 ration, 4oz of coffee would require 32oz of water. Make sure you tightly close the container you’re using once the coffee has been mixed. Store it in the fridge.
Step 3: Wait
Here comes the hard part. Wait for 12 to 24 hours! No extra work is needed, just your patience.
Step 4: Strain
Now all that’s left to do is strain out the coffee grounds. I usually do this through a sieve lined with a paper coffee filter. You can use a cheesecloth, sieve, filter, or any other product that works.
Now all that’s left to do is strain out the coffee grounds. I usually do this through a sieve lined with a paper coffee filter. You can use a cheesecloth, sieve, filter, or any other product that works.
Store your Decaf Cold Brew in the fridge in a pitcher, mason jar, or any other container that has a tight fitting lid. It should stay fresh for at least 7 days.
The great thing about making your own Decaf Cold Brew is that there’s plenty of room to experiment! Mess around with ratios until you have your coffee just the way you like it.
Decaf Cold Brew Coffee Recipe
4oz coarsely ground coffee beans
32oz water (4 cups water)
- Mix coffee and water in an airtight container. Refrigerate and let sit for at least 12, or up to 24 hours.
- Strain coffee and store in the refrigerator.
- Serve with ice and anything else you like in your coffee.