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Image of Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Decaf Vietnamese Coffee Recipe

As anyone who has sat down for a cup of coffee at a Vietnamese restaurant knows, Vietnamese coffee (whether hot or iced) is absolutely delicious. The most recognizable way to drink this coffee is as cà phê sua dá, a Vietnamese coffee recipe featuring delicious, darkly roasted Vietnamese coffee that is brewed directly over sweetened-condensed coffee.…

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Decaf Cold Brew Martini Pop Art image

Decaf Cold Brew Martini Recipe

The Cold Brew Martini Solution The espresso martini only has a few ingredients, and one of them is right there in the name. The drink is traditionally made with a shot of, what else, fresh espresso. If you want to make it that way, we’ve got you covered. But what to do if you don’t…

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Decaf Coffee Banana Chocolate Smoothie

Decaf Coffee Banana Smoothie

I’m not sure when it happened, but one day it seemed like every good smoothie place had a coffee smoothie on the menu. It's usually made with some combination of cold brew or espresso, banana, nuts or nut butter, and a sweetener. It always has a name like “Awaken” or “Morning Buzz”. In general, I…

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Decaf cold brew recipe

Decaf Coffee Concentrate

Making Decaf Cold Brew Concentrate. is just as easy as making regular cold brew.  Making Concentrate has the advantage of taking up less space in your fridge. When you serve your concentrate, you’ll need to thin it with water to taste (try starting with a 50/50 mix of water and concentrate.) You can also experiment…

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Pop Art Illustration of a Decaf Espresso Martini

Decaf Espresso Martini Recipe

The Espresso Martini has carved quite a name for itself in the modern cocktail canon. Invented by British cocktail maestro Dick Bradsell in the 1980s, the drink was originally dubbed simply the Espresso Vodka.  The story goes that Bradsell created the drink on the spot while tending bar. A model came into the bar and…

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Pop art illustration for a recipe for decaf cold brew

Decaf Cold Brew Recipe

How To Make Decaf Cold Brew (and Why You Should!) We’re several years into the Cold Brew takeover at this point. Regular iced coffee has been muscled out by its smoother, lower-acid cousin Cold Brew. But even though you can get caffeinated cold brew everywhere, Decaf Cold Brew remains hard to find.  While many coffee…

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Decaf Coffee Ice Cream Recipe

Decaf Coffee Homemade Ice Cream

While ice cream can (and should!) be eaten at any time of the day, I know I eat it most often after dinner. I also love coffee ice cream. Do you see my issue here? It’s the same problem that made me develop a Decaf Espresso Martini as one of our first recipes. It’s a…

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